tetchi blog

Tetchi's blog about life and stuff

Vectortuts Peer Review

Today I was browsing through Vectortuts and came across this article. “What a great idea!” I thought, and I decided to man up and submit the ‘spiderdog’ vector illustration that I made for peer review. I was a little hesitant at first because I thought maybe they’d tear it apart, but hey, how else are you going to learn right? I just hope it’s not too late for the awesome folks at Vectortuts to look over it.

The spider-dog thing all started from a skateboard that we made at work (at Shopify we have design challenges, and this one was to make a cool skateboard deck). I’m not sure how it all started but I thought having a dog with multiple eyes was a cool eye-dea (SEE WHAT I DID THERE). Also, Burger King is awesome.

The skateboard deck… I’m going to colour it sometime soon.

After I was done with the skateboard, I was pretty happy with the result so I decided to take a picture and vectorize it. It was a good exercise for getting more familiar with the pen tool. It was also nice because I learned more how to use the Pathfinder tools.

Vectorizing the spider-dog

I decided to vectorize only the head of the spider-dog because I thought it made a cool little ’emblem’. Besides, the body could use a bit more work/refining.

I think it’s really cool that Vectortuts is doing peer reviews, I’m really looking forward to reading their feedback! My submission can be found on their Facebook page here.


Vector tuts liked my post

*fanboy shriek*

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