tetchi blog

Tetchi's blog about life and stuff

The Waiting Game

A little update before I become a dad.

It’s been quite some time since my last monthly update. To be honest, I stopped writing them in November because I was feeling a little uninspired and felt like I was forcing myself to write.

A lot of things happened between now and then, including a relaxing “babymoon” trip with Kylea to Bermuda, a wicked baby shower where we got to hang out with a bunch of friends, and a fun cottage trip to the Laurentians with our friends.

The view from our balcony in Bermuda. Our last trip as non-parents 👶

Kylea is currently on the home stretch of her pregnancy; the baby could pop out anytime now! The thought of becoming a parent is still daunting, but at this point I’m just super excited to meet the little dude. I feel giddy thinking about all of the things I want to teach him… music, languages, jiu-jitsu, etc.

I also wonder if he’ll read this blog when he’s older… which makes me a little self-conscious about what I write here 😅. In any case, I’m going to hold off on the monthly updates while I learn how to dad.

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